Saturday, March 19, 2011

Amazon Android App Store Set to Launch Tuesday

A screen shot of part of the page you would see when visiting before it was taken down. Photo:

Retail giant Amazon is preparing to launch its own app store on the Android platform on Tuesday, March 22, a trusted source told

First leaked in September, Amazon?s Android app store will be a curated market, meaning Amazon reviewers will determine which apps are allowed inside, similar to Apple?s iTunes App Store. That?s a contrast to Google?s ?anything goes? policy for apps that appear in the Android Marketplace.

Amazon has been less than discreet with its imminent app store. Earlier this week, an Android fan discovered that a webpage for the Amazon app store ? ?�went live prematurely, revealing a horizontal sliding menu of about 48 apps and their prices.

Customers will be able to purchase apps through the website or directly through a native Amazon app on their Android devices, said our tipster, who is involved in the launch.�Our source asked to remain anonymous due to a non-disclosure agreement.

For apps that have links to purchase and download other apps, those links must go�through the Amazon market. They may not contain URLs to apps on the Android market, our source added.

An Amazon app store is possible on Android because, unlike Apple, Google allows third parties to set up their own software shops on the Android platform. Some critics point out that an Amazon app store in addition to an official Android app market may create confusion on the platform.

However, it?s worth noting that Amazon payment systems are deployed in more countries than Google Checkout, so an Amazon app store may pose serious competition to the Android Marketplace, and possibly even iTunes.

TechCrunch has speculated that the Amazon app store may precede an Amazon-made tablet powered by the Android OS, enabling Amazon to more directly compete with Apple and other tablet manufacturers.

Multiple reports claim that Amazon will focus on lower prices for apps to gain a competitive edge. Indeed, tech blog Android News looked through the 48 apps on the leaked webpage and found that prices of a few apps undercut the prices for the same respective apps listed on Google?s Marketplace.

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