Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hydra Two-Headed Book Lamp May Save Your Eyesight

The two-headed Hydra lamp for people still reading from paper

The Hydra Book Light is a double-headed lamp that can cast its LED illumination onto two pages at once. It?s five-inch necks let it crane its gaze over even the largest of pages, and a clever spine-gripping foot keeps it nicely centered.

I will never buy one. First, the only paper books I read these days are books I already own ? cookbooks and old, cherished novels, mostly. Seeing as my Kindle has one screen, and my iPad has its own light, the Hydra would be a waste. Second, I almost never switch on a light to read. I have lost count of the concerned busybodies who tell me I will ?strain? my eyes by reading by in the shadows. To which I answer ?nonsense.?

Why is the eye the only thing that will get worse if exercised? Every other part of my body gets stronger and healthier through use. How can the eye be any different? I?m no biologist, but surely the muscles that move and shape the eye are no different than other muscles. And can the rods and cones at the back of my eye really get tired by having too little light fall on them. If so, why don?t they get tired when I?m sleeping? These are genuine questions from a layman (me), so feel free to post answers below.

Anyhow. If you do still read paper books, and if you are still worried that reading in the dark will give you ?bad eyesight? despite my highly scientific ramblings above, then the Hydra will cost you a reasonable $15. Rumors that cutting of one lamp will cause two more to spring forth are untested.

Hydra Book Light [Bas Bleu via Book of Joe]

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apple internships apple iphone apple iphone rumors apple ipod

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