Tuesday, March 8, 2011

iPad 2 lines already forming at Texas Apple Store

We still have a full 4 days to go, but it looks like lines for the iPad 2 release on March 11th have already started forming outside of an Apple Store in Texas.

Maccast listener David sent me this snapshot of a tent apparently already outside a temporary Apple Store location in Texas.

The tent is said to belong to Justin Wagoner, who was also first in line at a Texas Apple retail store when they released the iPhone 4 last summer. The Apple Store in question is actually a temporary setup for the Knox Street location in Texas which is currently undergoing renovations.

With Apple not allowing online orders of the iPad 2 until the day they actually release it we should be seeing significant lines formed at retail stores throughout the US from those eager to get it on day one. I wasn?t expecting lines to start forming this soon so it looks like we can expect a pretty busy launch for the iPad 2 this Friday.

Will you be camping out for the iPad 2? Let us know in the comments!


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