Monday, February 21, 2011

Puzzle-Cutlery to Solve While You Starve

JOIN is a concept plastic cutlery set which is both awesome and annoying, in equal measure. A knife, fork and spoon are joined at the waist, intersecting each other as if they were in a teleportation experiment gone wrong. This is clearly a win from an aesthetic point-of-view, and keeps the business end of the cutlery off the dirty table below.

But Konstantin Slawinski?s design also forms a puzzle, one which could take a frustratingly long time to solve as your food gets colder and colder on the plate. Like any puzzle, this one is easy once you know the solution, but getting there may drive you crazy (and make you a little hungry).

It also has one other rather niche advantage. In Spain, you can eat men� del d�a. This is a cheap, fixed-price lunch served in most restaurants. One ?feature? of men� is that you have to keep your cutlery and re-use it for the first two courses. This inevitably means putting dirty knives and forks onto the table. The JOIN would solve this, instead letting you get sauce and bits of paella on your fingers as you tried to reassemble it after the appetizer.

JOIN product page [Ding 3000 via Yanko]

See Also:

windows media player 11 for vista windows media player 11 vista windows media player 12 windows media player 9

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